Hhandy Water Tips

Do NOT wash off plates before putting them in the dishwasher, it’s a dishwasher… Scrape waste into the bin or even better put into composter.

Wash food over a bowl and then put water on the garden.

Replace shower heads for water saving ones, these are normally free from your water supplier.

When starting a shower save the initial few litres of cold water in a bucket for the garden.

Fix leaking taps, this will save thousands of litres of water over the course of a year.

Hhandy Energy Tips

Install ceiling fans
This can reduce air conditioning costs by up to 40%. Alternatively, in the winter, these ceiling fans work to circulate warm air from the ceiling back down to the floor to save heating cost.

Install blinds, drapes, awnings or sunscreens to block light on hot sunny days and keep cooling costs down.
In colder times, closing these drapes can retain warm air. This may seem old fashioned and low tech but it works!

Replace your light bulbs
Energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs last 8 to 12 times longer than incandescent. Just 5 bulbs could save you 50% of your annual lighting bill.